Sweet Summer Singings! | Vancouver A Cappella Music
Here at Sweet Scarlet Central, we can hardly believe it’s almost the end of August! The summer has been a whirlwind, with performances, vacation time and…..Christmas! Yes, you read that right! …
defining choral fusion with sassy sophistication
Here at Sweet Scarlet Central, we can hardly believe it’s almost the end of August! The summer has been a whirlwind, with performances, vacation time and…..Christmas! Yes, you read that right! …
Hello to all our Sweet Fans, As you may have heard, on July 1, 2014 the Canadian Anti-Spam Legislation (CASL) comes into full effect. The CASL may prevent you from receiving future communications …
Sweet Scarlet has been busy over the last few weeks, performing at many fabulous local events around town. We have a few more shows coming up included a set at …
In honour of Mother’s Day, we Scarlettes want to share a song of family and love with you. Please enjoy our rendition of Mahk Jchi, which translates to: A hundred …
To all our wonderful and supportive fans; On this very special holiday, we wanted to take the opportunity to let you know how grateful we are for your continued encouragement, …