School has started! Does it feel like fall is in the air? Here in Sweet Scarlet Land, we’re continuing on with weekly Sunday rehearsals, even while we try to keep track of all our busy mom schedules. But to keep everyone fresh in our memories, we thought we’d pass the summer months away with some Member Feature posts! Our fifth feature is the Eran.
Eran started her singing days as a soprano, honing her harmony skills as a youngster while singing along to Air Supply on car trips with her mom. These days, she holds down the lower end of Sweet Scarlet’s musical chords, as one of the group’s two altos. When she is not obsessively monitoring Sweet Scarlet’s social media, or enthusiastically concocting new vocal arrangements for the group, Eran can be found photographing beautiful people, reading contemporary fiction, doting upon her cat and enjoying snuggles and giggles with her son, Henry and husband, Justin.
Although she is a hardcore pop music lover at heart, Eran confesses that her favourite Sweet Scarlet songs to sing are the more classical tunes like Ave Maria or Gloria because “they truly surprise our audience. They know we can be fun, sassy and perform a mean pop cover, but when we can show off our vocal chops, I’m so proud of what we’ve accomplished as a group!”
Eran’s favourite Sweet Scarlet moment is also a bit of a surprise. Any group member will tell you that she’s not a fan of doing random “pop-up” performances in public places, but she says, “it was so meaningful to be able to perform a quick Christmas tune in the BC Ferries gift shop for my high school band teacher last year. I was reminded how much I love and have always loved music, and also how much I love these women for indulging in this spur-of-the-moment performance for me!”
Sweet Scarlet is a Vancouver-based a cappella vocal ensemble that specializes in a variety of music, including contemporary pop, world music, jazz and classical. They are available for live performances anywhere in the Lower Mainland.